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There is still so much left to say

Do you want to say something?
Is there something on your mind?
What is stressing you?
What is going on?

I just stand there staring silently
without a sound
although there is so much left that I want to say
there is so much left

But then
they ask other things like
Why are you always sad?
Then I stop being sad
Why are you hiding your emotions?
Then I show emotion
Stop being so emotional!

What do you expect of me?
Leave me alone

Tears are bad
You should not cry
You need to be strong
There will be worse things
You can not always break down
You need to get yourself together
Stop being dramatic

There are so many different people
saying different things
but there is just one me

How am I supposed to fulfill every want of them?
when sometimes I just want to scream
until my lungs give out
sometimes I just want to leave

stop laughing so much
you are too extra
loose weight
you look tired

Yes, I am tired
so tired
sometimes I do not want to get out of bed
but I have to
sometime I do not want to drink, eat, breathe
sometimes I just want silence

But even if I have silence
I can not rest
always looking out for danger

Do not trust everyone!
Why are you being so suspicious of eveyone?
Tell me!
You can trust me!

You are too confident!
Let others talk
You talk too much!
We do not want to hear you.
Why are you being so silent?

It is a good question
Why am I silent?
Maybe because
I do not know what to say or do
because does not matter what I do or say
It is wrong

But there is still so much left to say
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Geschrieben von Fiona [Profil] am 18.08.2024

Aus der Kategorie Moderne Lyric

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traurig, Schmerz


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Anzahl Aufrufe: 107

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Den Frieden gefunden
Riss im Herz
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